Hello! 👋

Imagine having global creators and creator economy brands under one roof! We're hosting a two-day virtual event UniCon where we intend to bring them to one stage.

From panel sessions that discuss the importance of monetization to booths where you can interact with creator economy brands — there's plenty brewing at UniCon.

While it's a FREE event, we only have limited registrations. So hurry up, and register. 👇

UniCon - A Summit for Creators
UniCon endeavors to celebrate creators UniCon is an annual convention for global creators, influencer marketers & creator economy brands.

And on that note, let's go through our weekly round-up of updates.

In today's Going Solo

  • Advice for the week: Scott Hines on writing
  • Discover a new podcast: The Marketing Millennials for all things marketing
  • News that caught our eye: YouTube launches AI-generated quizzes
  • Stuff worth reading: Bringing back 90s focus era

Write Like You're Writing for 10K People: Scott Hines

Scott Hines writes the iconic Substack newsletter The Action Cookbook, and if you love food and humor, you ought to follow his stack.

Here's his solid advice on writing for a bigger audience. 👇

If You're In Marketing & Not Following The Marketing Millennials, You're Missing Out

We may have discovered The Marketing Millennials through their memes on LinkedIn. But boy, we’re hooked to their podcast!

Run by Daniel Murray, this podcast brings in guests and subject matter experts who dish out great knowledge on social media strategy, community building, running successful newsletter marketing or TikTok campaigns.

The Marketing Millennials on LinkedIn: And you have limited budget. Go. | 381 comments
And you have limited budget. Go. | 381 comments on LinkedIn

Whether you’re a creator or work in the content and social media space, you cannot miss out on this podcast. Check them out here. 👇

The Marketing Millennials
Listen to The Marketing Millennials on Spotify. Bored of the same boring marketing podcasts? If you’re looking for insights from some of the sharpest operators in the business, then The Marketing Millennials is the podcast for you. In this no BS, unfiltered marketing podcast, Daniel Murray unpacks…

So YouTube Launches AI-Generated Quizzes

To test your knowledge. 🤷‍♀️

On its latest support thread, YouTube discussed its upcoming features, including AI-generated quizzes. While this mobile-only feature intends to test the users' knowledge, from what YT says, it sounds like it'll test the creators' content.

Here's what YouTube says 👇

YouTube indeed wants creators to focus on enhancing their content, and this might make creators strive better and keep their audience engagement on-fleek always. I mean, no pressure but sounds like schoolwork to us.

What do you think?

How to Focus Like It’s 1990s

We're in the attention economy — and let's be honest, it's tough to focus in today's age. 😔

As creators, our days are filled with many beautiful distractions. If you can sit and bleed content without your mind traveling to 100 places, you've won! For the New York Times, Dana G. Smith writes about attention, and how we can focus like it’s the 90s.

From taking breaks to deep reading — this piece covers it all. Read for more deets! 👇

How to Focus Like It’s 1990
Smartphones, pings and Insta-everything have shortened our attention spans. Get some old-school concentration back with these tips.

🔥 Brewing Hot

  • Snapchat partners with Linktree to allow users to showcase their links in their Snapchat bios. Grab all deets here.
  • TikTok’s e-commerce is growing and how! Here’s what Tubefilter has to say.
  • Are we only 7 days away from Barbie & Oppenheimer? We curated the best of Twitter reactions here.

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